Drive 0
Engaging consumers for the decarbonisation of Europe’s buildings.


Project duration



Led by

Ana Tisov,

We want to accelerate deep renovation processes by enhancing a consumer centered circular renovation process in order to make deep renovation environmentally friendly, cost effective and more attractive for consumers and investors.

The DRIVE 0 concept is based on developing circular deep renovation solutions and supporting consumer centered business models for 7 specific study and demonstration cases as real environments. The selected cases are already in preparation and each of these cases have a specific local driver for the need of a holistic and circular deep renovation, which is translated in ‘case specific challenges and tasks’ and case specific key performance indicators.

The Drive 0 consortium composed based on an approach and application in different areas (geo-clusters) in Europe, covering different climate zones. Moreover, extended experience from previous H2020 projects on deep renovation, learns that an approach is needed, suitable for specific national/regional circumstances in terms of climate, building technologies and traditions and cultural habits. As DRIVE 0 is structured around seven pilots in seven countries, for each country industrial partners or concept developers are ‘twinned’ with a technical partner (university, research institute or consultancy) to develop the specific holistic circular renovation products and concepts. For the market uptake and dissemination of the results, the DRIVE 0 consortium is effectively supported by three important European umbrella associations.

This project has its own website, visit it at: