Improve your decision making with AI

Find your optimal scenario among thousands of scenario’s in a fraction of the time. With Autostudy, you can do multi-objective optimizations, risk analysis, sensitivity analysis and more. Using nothing but your existing spreadsheets. With AutoStudy you can:

  • Generate thousands of scenarios in minute
  • Find the one scenario that achieves your goals
  • Discover the secrets your model holds

Working together on AI

AutoStudy was accepted into Quake. With Quakes assistance AutoStudy became a more intelligent and robust product. An important part of AutoStudy is its Evolutionary Algorithm (EA). Jaimy de Graaf (founder AutoStudy) says: “At first we used a naive implementation of EA but this proved not to be robust enough dealing with many constraints. Quake linked us up with Sjonnie Boonstra. Sjonnie had much experience with these algorithms while working on his PhD Thesis. By working closely with Sjonnie we found an algorithm that is robust and easy to use by our customers.”

Using AutoStudy

Are you already curious to see how you can use AutoStudy? In the video below we will show you how to solve a multi objective optimization problem!

Ready to make better decisions?

Now, AutoStudy is ready to help you make better decisions. Quickly find meaningful insights within your models that help you make better business decisions. Get in touch to request early-access to AutoStudy. Free of charge.

AutoStudy: Markowitz Example from Spreax on Vimeo.

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