Tomorrow’s challenges for the built environment require groundbreaking innovations today. New technologies and methodologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning and research by design offer unprecedented opportunities to rethink, redesign and reshape our society. Enabling us to create buildings, cities and infrastructure that serve our well being and productivity today, tomorrow and beyond.
Recent developments
The world around us is changing and we have to find the answers for tomorrow. We see a scarcities in raw materials, in energy, in space and in houses. We see a world that is in transition.
In this transition we play a role. Dealing with these societal issues requires knowledge and understanding of the deeper problems. But not only the old answers suffice. In many fields we have to rely on new answers.
That’s where Quake comes in. To innovate and come up with new ideas and new solutions. Not (only) for the fun of it, but change to improve!

Current themes and projects
Market-ready innovations